Friday, August 24, 2012

Growing up way too fast

Growing up way too fast. 
Meant for around August 10, 2012, but quickly written and posted August 24, 2012

WOW, has it really been that long since my last post?  We’ve had an exciting summer including lots of outside play (even in this heat!), a beach visit, soccer games and plenty of fun.  I was able to attend the 2012 Delta Zeta National Convention in San Antonio the first week of July.  I can’t really apologize for the blogging delay – fun family time comes first around here. 

Graham is an absolute joy to have in our lives.  I’m sure most parents feel that way about their children, but I wanted to share that with you.  We had a major transition recently, Graham left Kids Count Inc. and began in “Miss” Trisha and “Miss” Laurie” Pre4 Class at STM Preschool!  I cried sobbed his last day at Kids Count, but Graham just walked out the door.  He transitions way better than me.  Kids Count was a home for us for many years and I had no reservations about his wellbeing at STM, yet I was such a mess.  Seriously, I was a total train wreck that day.  Then it hit me.  My baby boy was growing up. 

Let’s face it; he’s more than half my height and smart as can be!  I knew this, but actually leaving Kids Count broke my heart.   Graham still prays for all of his Kids Count friend and teachers each night, along with his new friends and teachers at Saint Thomas More.

Here are a few pictures from our first days at STM.  You can find more on our Shutterfly Site.  I absolutely love STM and Graham seems to as well!  I am thankful that we are fortunate enough to have such a great preschool in our neighborhood!

A collections of photos before leaving home.  

Just before walking in!

Aunt Chandler was there to pick him up at the end of his first day!

Until next time…