Friday, August 24, 2012

Growing up way too fast

Growing up way too fast. 
Meant for around August 10, 2012, but quickly written and posted August 24, 2012

WOW, has it really been that long since my last post?  We’ve had an exciting summer including lots of outside play (even in this heat!), a beach visit, soccer games and plenty of fun.  I was able to attend the 2012 Delta Zeta National Convention in San Antonio the first week of July.  I can’t really apologize for the blogging delay – fun family time comes first around here. 

Graham is an absolute joy to have in our lives.  I’m sure most parents feel that way about their children, but I wanted to share that with you.  We had a major transition recently, Graham left Kids Count Inc. and began in “Miss” Trisha and “Miss” Laurie” Pre4 Class at STM Preschool!  I cried sobbed his last day at Kids Count, but Graham just walked out the door.  He transitions way better than me.  Kids Count was a home for us for many years and I had no reservations about his wellbeing at STM, yet I was such a mess.  Seriously, I was a total train wreck that day.  Then it hit me.  My baby boy was growing up. 

Let’s face it; he’s more than half my height and smart as can be!  I knew this, but actually leaving Kids Count broke my heart.   Graham still prays for all of his Kids Count friend and teachers each night, along with his new friends and teachers at Saint Thomas More.

Here are a few pictures from our first days at STM.  You can find more on our Shutterfly Site.  I absolutely love STM and Graham seems to as well!  I am thankful that we are fortunate enough to have such a great preschool in our neighborhood!

A collections of photos before leaving home.  

Just before walking in!

Aunt Chandler was there to pick him up at the end of his first day!

Until next time…

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sew, What's Your Fancy?

Sew, What’s your Fancy?
June 18, 2012

I fondly recall the days I spent helping (and learning) my Momee, Ethel Landreneau, sew for us.  She made dresses, bubble rompers, Halloween costumes – you name it, she could do it!  I distinctly remember taking on a sewing lesson during one year of 4H and decided to make an apron.  Momee helped me every step of the way.  I can’t remember if my project won anything but I remember the time spent with my grandmother.  Thank you 4H for a great memory.

Since having Graham, I’ve often thought – I can do that, and so much cheaper! – when looking at various items of clothing for him.  Then, last summer during Graham’s swimming lessons, I complimented another mom on her daughter’s dress.  Turns out she MADE the dress for Catherine (and happened to be a high school classmate of Ben’s – Who says Baton Rouge is a big town?).  I was intrigued and excited – someone my age sews too!  Jenny is not only a great seamstress; she’s a pattern maker too.  Check out her great patterns here or her awesome blog here

I’ve learned in the last year or so that lots of people are sewing!   I saved my pennies and bought a sewing machine in February.  (This is the one I got!) That same weekend I sewed Graham some shorts.  Then I sewed another pair of shorts for a friend’s son’s 2nd birthday.  (Where did those pictures go!!?)

Lately, I’ve been trying to learn.  I took a sewing class at The Crafty Shack of Louisiana a couple weeks ago and was introduced to laminated cotton and created this little beauty in no time at all! 

(I actually made two that day and then two more for my coworkers!)

Fabric & Ribbon: The Crafty Shack of LA

Then, on pinterest or somewhere online, I found this nifty pattern to make a baby changing clutch and remembered this awesome madras plaid laminated fabric I’d seen earlier…and one Saturday afternoon, I made this!


a clutch diaper changing pad!

Fabric & Bias Tape: The Crafty Shack of LA
Accessories: Found in my house

Following those small projects, came a challenge!  Jenny needed a pattern tester for her newest Boy’s Classic Fit Pants so I volunteered.  Doesn’t Graham look cute in his blue seer sucker with crawfish?


Fabric: The Crafty Shack of LA

After a conversation with Jenny, she inspired me to try something for ME.  I was determined to make a dress based on a post she had on her blog…My Date Night Dress…and gave it a try!  I found a great rayon print and tried to mimic her dress.  (Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, right?)  I asked her a couple questions and did a little internet research and here’s the final result.  My only disappointment is that I forgot to add pockets!  Oh well, next time, right?  

Fabric: Hancock Fabrics (Sherwood & Florida Blvd) 
Pattern: a pillowcase dress for an adult with an elastic waist ... 

I even whipped up these clown pants for Graham (late) last night for his Circus Character day!  I had a button hole boo boo and had to use the bias tape to fix it!  Thankfully, he comes by a "clown wig" naturally, so with a bit of colored hair spray we were able to be a clown with almost no effort!

Graham the Clown!

Next step, ZIPPERS.  They scare me, but I need to tackle that task because I found a great skirt pattern that calls for a zipper!   

Thank you Momee for the foundation and inspiration and thanks to Jenny for the encouragement! 

What do you think I should make next? 

Until next time…

Monday, June 4, 2012

As Crazy As the Next Mom, Right?

As Crazy As the Next Mom, Right?
June 4, 2012

I'm an OCD over achiever / perfectionist - I admit it.  The events below will show you just how much.  A few weeks ago Graham had the honor of taking the class pet, George, a stuffed monkey, home for the weekend. We had a wonderful time sharing our busy weekend with George.  The completed report "Graham" was asked to turn in for the class binder is below.  

It's the creation and ultimate task of printing the document that reveal my obsessive compulsive tendencies for perfection and achievement, yes, even for my three year old son's class pet project.

As you can see, we thoroughly documented the busy weekend. By Sunday evening we were all exhausted - the stuffed monkey included. Once Graham went to sleep, while trying to catch up on laundry, I sat at the Mac and began our weekend recap on a word document. It took a little more than two hours to add the photos and descriptions and get them in just the right place in the document. Yes, I said two hours. After waiting patiently for the doc to save, I sent it to print. At midnight on a Sunday I realized my printer was out of ink for a document due Monday morning. (Am I in college again?) CRAP.

Ok. I had a plan, email the doc to my work account and run to work and print it on the 'way' to Kids Count. That will work...but it didn't. The document was too large. So I tried to save it as a PDF document...still too large. Please also note that the file takes approximately 10 minutes to save and saves automatically every time I try to do anything with it. Now it's ONE am. I'm tired and post something to Facebook about my frustration and go to bed.

When I wake up Monday, I thankfully recall the USB zip drive I have and think the problem is solved. Wrong again. A Facebook friend suggests some file share site but that doesn't work either. The document is simply too large to move and I have no ink. So, I call the teacher and let her know I'm having technical problems and the report will be turned in later.

I just spent 2 hours working on Graham's report about his
weekend with George only to discover I'm out of ink to print it
and it's too large to email it...let's hope I have a zip drive in my
laptop case when I look tomorrow morning. This mom is going to bed!
The subsequent thread on facebook:
Ryan - = emails large files for free. You can use it 1 time  
without signing up or paying for anything...
Me - Thanks...but apparently putting 35 pictures into a word document
makes a file too large to transfer electronically ... I thought of a backup
plan - and without coffee. I'm hoping this will work!
Cathleen – Why are you doing Graham's homework?
Me – Well Cathleen, though Graham is quite advanced for his age his writing
and photo editing skills are still being developed! Plus, he was crashed from the weekend. He's such a slacker!

Determined to finish the report, I download the pics to my work pc and spend about an hour recreating the document as a power point presentation, since it's equipped to hold more media than a word document. Voila, the report is complete and better than the first one, and looks really great in the binder. 

Graham's Weekend with George! (The final product!)

Anyone else this insanely crazy for their child's class project? What am I going to do when he's in 'big' school - prek - starting in August?  

Until next time... 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

An honor to know you, Sir.

Honored to know you
April 29, 2012

There are very few men I've loved the in my life, but even fewer that I've lost.  My paternal grandfather was someone I've only heard about-he died long before I was brought into this world.  My maternal grandfather, Poppop, born Lionel T Ortego, was the best grandfather anyone could dream of and I credit most of my love for Louisiana, LSU and Baton Rouge to Popop. 

When I first met Ben's Nonnie and Paw Paw Kleinpeter, I couldn't help but think they and Pop and Grandma Rose would have been great friends had they not lived many miles apart.  Both sets of grandparents served their country in the military, valued family, the Catholic faith and loved their grandkids. 

It wasn't until after Poppop left this world I realized just how similar he and pawpaw Tom were, regardless of their many professional differences – Poppop was a liquefied petroleum gas manager and Louisiana public servant while PawPaw Tom was a dairy farmer that helped build a great local business. I can't help but think those two men would have been up to no good on the weekends had their lives crossed paths.

I have wonderful memories of playing at Pop and Grandma’s and specifically remember being outside in Pop’s camp and running in the yard.  I often wish I had the chance to spend time with my grandfather again, especially as adult.  PawPaw Tom and Pop were so similar; I sometimes felt my visits with PawPaw would have been parallel to the wishful visits with Poppop.  I treasured every minute, visiting regularly with PawPaw Tom and sitting around his table listening to stories from his childhood, Mr. Bud’s childhood and Ben’s upbringing as well as his time at St. Stanislaus and in the military. It warmed my heart to hear PawPaw talk fondly about his visit to my hometown church, Immaculate Conception Church, for Ben and my wedding.  It reminded PawPaw of his old St. George Church.  He was always a gentleman and asked regularly about my folks and sisters. 

More than my visits, I am delighted my Graham was able to spend so much time with him.  Graham looked forward, even as a young toddler, to visiting his PawPaw.  He woke each Wednesday and asked if it was his day with PawPaw.  Following a visit, he came home talking about PawPaw’s tractor and the corn to feed the deer.  PawPaw and Graham sat and counted deer over and over.  I know Graham will forever remember his time with PawPaw Tom and for that I am thankful. 

Rest in peace PawPaw Tom.  I know you will be delighted to reunite with your love Nonnie. 

Pop, Grandma Rose,  PawPaw Curry and T-Will please take care of this man that was loved so much by so many,  especially by this cajun girl that only knew him for 14 short years.  I am forever grateful he was the type of man my husband and son can strive to become and extremely honored to have known him.

Thomas Gibbens Kleinpeter, Sr.
August 9, 1923 - April 29, 2012

1979 Family Photo

1979 - Thomas & Lenora

1979 - Ben already looking up to PawPaw
Graham meeting PawPaw for the first time - 12/21/08

with Uncle Adam - 12/25/08

Christmas Morning 2008

Graham & PawPaw on the tractor - 11/3/11

PawPaw & Graham - 5/11/11

One of Graham's final visits with PawPaw - 2/13/12

Until next time…